Day 1

13 April 2023

Time (CET)TitlePresenterAffiliation
08:30Opening session nPV 2023Olindo IsabellaTU Delft
08:45Session 9: Silicon Hetero Junction Solar Cells
08:45Strategies for Realizing High-Efficiency Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells Featuring Reduced Consumption of Indium and SilverYifeng ZhaoTU Delft
09:00Organically Modified Silica Aerogel as Rear Reflector in Silicon Heterojunction Solar CellsDamla KoçakMiddle East Technical University
09:15Feasibility Test of Drastic Indium Cut Down in SHJ Solar Cells and Modules Using Ultra-Thin ITO LayersTristan GageotCEA-INES
09:30Identifying and Overcoming the Passivation-Carrier Extraction Trade-Off in Transparent Passivating ContactsAlexander Eberst IEK-5 Photovoltaics, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
09:45Method of Contact Resistivity Extraction at Typical Operating Conditions for Heterojunction Solar CellSenami ZogboCEA-INES Liten, Université Genobles Alpes
10:00Nanocrystalline Silicon Layers for Industrial Application in Silicon Heterojunction Solar CellsJohannes SeifFraunhofer ISE
10:15coffee break
10:45Poster Thursday
1Investigation of Contact Resistivities on APCVD (p) Poly-Si for Fired Passivating ContactsTobias OkkerUniversität Konstanz
2Sputtered Poly-Si Layers for the Formation of Front and Rear Passivating Contacts of PVK/Si Tandem’s Bottom CellsAntoine DescoeudresCSEM SA
3Plasma-Assisted N2O Oxidation (PANO) in an Industrial Direct Plasma Reactor for Tunnel-Oxide Passivating ContactsMathias BoriesFraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE
4Incorporating ALD Oxide Interlayers for Carrier-Selective Passivating ContactsEdris KhoraniUniversity of Warwick
5SiC by PECVD for High-Temperature Passivating ContactsEzgi GençEPFL-PVLAB
6Silver-Lean Screen-Printed Contacts With a Hybrid Metallization Design for Sustainable PV at the TW ScaleYuan-Chih Atom ChangUniversity of New South Wales
7Influence of Firing Profile on Passivating Contacts for High Efficient Silicon Solar CellsYunae ChoKorea Institute of Energy Research
8Improvement of Passivation Performance of Silicon Nanocrystal/Silicon Oxide Compound Layer by Two-step Hydrogen Plasma TreatmentNoritaka UsamiNagoya University
9Fast Photoluminescence Imaging of Interdigitated Back-Contacts Prepared on Rough Silicon SubstratesMartin LedinskyInstitute of Physics, AS CR
10Minimizing the Cycle Time for a Rapid Quantum Efficiency Measurement by Modulating Multiple Channels of Led Solar SimulatorsMarko TurekFraunhofer CSP
11Impacts of Cut Cells and Full Cells on the Performance of Photovoltaic Solar Cells and ModulesMeriç ÇalışkanKalyon PV Güneş Teknolojileri Üretim AŞ.
12Calculation Tool to Determine the Shading Tolerability of PV ModulesAlba AlcañizDelft University of Technology
13Defects in Modules and How We Look for ThemIan Marius PetersForschungszentrum Jülich
14Advanced Determination of Temperature Coefficients of Photovoltaic Modules by Field MeasurementsAndreas SchneiderUniversity of Applied Sciences Gelsenkirchen
15Heterojunction Bifacial Technology for High Irradiance RegionsElias UrrejolaATAMOSTEC
16Tracking Algorithms for improving Bifacial Modules Energy Yield with Albedo Enhance Materials and AgrivotaicsJavier Guerrero-PerezSoltec Innovations
17Detailed Comparison of Loss Distribution in Monofacial and Bifacial Perovskite/Silicon Tandem PV SystemsYouri BlomTU Delft
18A Bifacial Illumination of Four-Terminal LII-V//c-Si Multijunction DevicesDuy Phong PhamSungkyunkwan University
19Gallium-doped Silicon Heterojunction Solar CellsBruno Vicari StefaniCSIRO
20SMART Cast-Mono Silicon for High Efficiency TOPCon CellsPatricia KrenckelFraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE
21Optical Analysis of Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells: Effect of Rear Side Grating and TOPCon Tunnel JunctionMario HanserFraunhofer ISE
22Si Substrate Dependent-Surface Defects on p-Poly Layers in the p-TOPCon Solar CellsDohyung KimKorea Institute of Energy Research
23Application of Ag-Coated Polymer-Particle Composites as Transparent Conductive Adhesives for Tandem Solar CellsHasnain YousufSungkyunkwan University
24Toward TCO-Free Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells - Revisiting the Role of TCO Layers in Electrical Transport and StabilityHitoshi SaiMultijunction PV Team, Global Zero Emission Research Center (GZR)
25Effective Contact Formation of Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells by Current Injection MethodsSoohyun BaeKorea Institute of Energy Research
26Impact of Texture Height and Ozone-Based Rounding on Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells PerformancePedro Sansoldo Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE)
27Investigation of the Microstructure of Underdense Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Layers by Raman Spectroscopy and Hydrogen EffusionBenedikt FischerForschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
28Optimization of Laser Parameters for Ablation of PECVD SiNx:H and Removal of Laser Induced Surface Damages on Silicon by Alkaline SolutionAhmet Emin KeçeciODTÜ-GÜNAM
29Optimisation of Photolithographic Fabrication of Photonic Crystals on Rough Wafers for High Efficiency Solar CellsLeon SalomonInstitute of Electronic Materials and Devices, Leibniz University Hannover
30Renewable Energy Application and Carbon Reduction Study on the Campus Teaching BuildingJinXing HeShenZhen Technology University
12:15lunch break
13:00Session 10: Poly-Si Passivating Contacts
13:00Locally Enhanced Doping Under Poly-Si Passivating ContactsMeriç FıratKU Leuven/imec (Work done at KU Leuven/imec, the author currently affiliated with Oxford PV)
13:15Influence of the Annealing Temperature of (n) poly-Si/SiOx Passivating Contacts on their Firing StabilityJonathan LinkeISC Konstanz e.V.
13:30Improvement of Passivation Performance of Silicon Nanocrystal/Silicon Oxide Compound Layer by Two-Step Hydrogen Plasma TreatmentMasashi MatsumiGraduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
13:45Impact of Doping Type and Thermal Budget on Long-Term Stability of Poly-Si Passivating ContactsAudrey MorissetEPFL PV-Lab
14:00Towards >25% Efficiency of Passivated-Contact Solar Cells in Mass ProductionBenjamin LeeHanwha Q CELLS GmbH
14:15Low Resistivity Hole Selective SiNx/p+ poly-Si Passivating Contacts for High Efficiency Solar CellsShona McNabUniversity of Oxford
14:30Closing SiliconPV 2023
14:30Closing SiliconPV 2023Arthur WeeberTNO
14:40SiliconPV Award Ceremony for the Best 10 Abstracts and the Best PostersArthur WeeberTNO
14:50Announcement of SiliconPV 2024Arthur WeeberTNO
15:30Technical tour
19:00Get-together at The Green Village