08:30 | Opening session nPV 2023 | Olindo Isabella | TU Delft |
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08:45 | Session 9: Silicon Hetero Junction Solar Cells | | |
08:45 | Strategies for Realizing High-Efficiency Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells Featuring Reduced Consumption of Indium and Silver | Yifeng Zhao | TU Delft |
09:00 | Organically Modified Silica Aerogel as Rear Reflector in Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells | Damla Koçak | Middle East Technical University |
09:15 | Feasibility Test of Drastic Indium Cut Down in SHJ Solar Cells and Modules Using Ultra-Thin ITO Layers | Tristan Gageot | CEA-INES |
09:30 | Identifying and Overcoming the Passivation-Carrier Extraction Trade-Off in Transparent Passivating Contacts | Alexander Eberst | IEK-5 Photovoltaics, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH |
09:45 | Method of Contact Resistivity Extraction at Typical Operating Conditions for Heterojunction Solar Cell | Senami Zogbo | CEA-INES Liten, Université Genobles Alpes |
10:00 | Nanocrystalline Silicon Layers for Industrial Application in Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells | Johannes Seif | Fraunhofer ISE |
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10:15 | coffee break | | |
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10:45 | Poster Thursday | | |
1 | Investigation of Contact Resistivities on APCVD (p) Poly-Si for Fired Passivating Contacts | Tobias Okker | Universität Konstanz |
2 | Sputtered Poly-Si Layers for the Formation of Front and Rear Passivating Contacts of PVK/Si Tandem’s Bottom Cells | Antoine Descoeudres | CSEM SA |
3 | Plasma-Assisted N2O Oxidation (PANO) in an Industrial Direct Plasma Reactor for Tunnel-Oxide Passivating Contacts | Mathias Bories | Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE |
4 | Incorporating ALD Oxide Interlayers for Carrier-Selective Passivating Contacts | Edris Khorani | University of Warwick |
5 | SiC by PECVD for High-Temperature Passivating Contacts | Ezgi Genç | EPFL-PVLAB |
6 | Silver-Lean Screen-Printed Contacts With a Hybrid Metallization Design for Sustainable PV at the TW Scale | Yuan-Chih Atom Chang | University of New South Wales |
7 | Influence of Firing Profile on Passivating Contacts for High Efficient Silicon Solar Cells | Yunae Cho | Korea Institute of Energy Research |
8 | Improvement of Passivation Performance of Silicon Nanocrystal/Silicon Oxide Compound Layer by Two-step Hydrogen Plasma Treatment | Noritaka Usami | Nagoya University |
9 | Fast Photoluminescence Imaging of Interdigitated Back-Contacts Prepared on Rough Silicon Substrates | Martin Ledinsky | Institute of Physics, AS CR |
10 | Minimizing the Cycle Time for a Rapid Quantum Efficiency Measurement by Modulating Multiple Channels of Led Solar Simulators | Marko Turek | Fraunhofer CSP |
11 | Impacts of Cut Cells and Full Cells on the Performance of Photovoltaic Solar Cells and Modules | Meriç Çalışkan | Kalyon PV Güneş Teknolojileri Üretim AŞ. |
12 | Calculation Tool to Determine the Shading Tolerability of PV Modules | Alba Alcañiz | Delft University of Technology |
13 | Defects in Modules and How We Look for Them | Ian Marius Peters | Forschungszentrum Jülich |
14 | Advanced Determination of Temperature Coefficients of Photovoltaic Modules by Field Measurements | Andreas Schneider | University of Applied Sciences Gelsenkirchen |
15 | Heterojunction Bifacial Technology for High Irradiance Regions | Elias Urrejola | ATAMOSTEC |
16 | Tracking Algorithms for improving Bifacial Modules Energy Yield with Albedo Enhance Materials and Agrivotaics | Javier Guerrero-Perez | Soltec Innovations |
17 | Detailed Comparison of Loss Distribution in Monofacial and Bifacial Perovskite/Silicon Tandem PV Systems | Youri Blom | TU Delft |
18 | A Bifacial Illumination of Four-Terminal LII-V//c-Si Multijunction Devices | Duy Phong Pham | Sungkyunkwan University |
19 | Gallium-doped Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells | Bruno Vicari Stefani | CSIRO |
20 | SMART Cast-Mono Silicon for High Efficiency TOPCon Cells | Patricia Krenckel | Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE |
21 | Optical Analysis of Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells: Effect of Rear Side Grating and TOPCon Tunnel Junction | Mario Hanser | Fraunhofer ISE |
22 | Si Substrate Dependent-Surface Defects on p-Poly Layers in the p-TOPCon Solar Cells | Dohyung Kim | Korea Institute of Energy Research |
23 | Application of Ag-Coated Polymer-Particle Composites as Transparent Conductive Adhesives for Tandem Solar Cells | Hasnain Yousuf | Sungkyunkwan University |
24 | Toward TCO-Free Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells - Revisiting the Role of TCO Layers in Electrical Transport and Stability | Hitoshi Sai | Multijunction PV Team, Global Zero Emission Research Center (GZR) |
25 | Effective Contact Formation of Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells by Current Injection Methods | Soohyun Bae | Korea Institute of Energy Research |
26 | Impact of Texture Height and Ozone-Based Rounding on Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells Performance | Pedro Sansoldo | Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE) |
27 | Investigation of the Microstructure of Underdense Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Layers by Raman Spectroscopy and Hydrogen Effusion | Benedikt Fischer | Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH |
28 | Optimization of Laser Parameters for Ablation of PECVD SiNx:H and Removal of Laser Induced Surface Damages on Silicon by Alkaline Solution | Ahmet Emin Keçeci | ODTÜ-GÜNAM |
29 | Optimisation of Photolithographic Fabrication of Photonic Crystals on Rough Wafers for High Efficiency Solar Cells | Leon Salomon | Institute of Electronic Materials and Devices, Leibniz University Hannover |
30 | Renewable Energy Application and Carbon Reduction Study on the Campus Teaching Building | JinXing He | ShenZhen Technology University |
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12:15 | lunch break | | |
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13:00 | Session 10: Poly-Si Passivating Contacts | | |
13:00 | Locally Enhanced Doping Under Poly-Si Passivating Contacts | Meriç Fırat | KU Leuven/imec (Work done at KU Leuven/imec, the author currently affiliated with Oxford PV) |
13:15 | Influence of the Annealing Temperature of (n) poly-Si/SiOx Passivating Contacts on their Firing Stability | Jonathan Linke | ISC Konstanz e.V. |
13:30 | Improvement of Passivation Performance of Silicon Nanocrystal/Silicon Oxide Compound Layer by Two-Step Hydrogen Plasma Treatment | Masashi Matsumi | Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University |
13:45 | Impact of Doping Type and Thermal Budget on Long-Term Stability of Poly-Si Passivating Contacts | Audrey Morisset | EPFL PV-Lab |
14:00 | Towards >25% Efficiency of Passivated-Contact Solar Cells in Mass Production | Benjamin Lee | Hanwha Q CELLS GmbH |
14:15 | Low Resistivity Hole Selective SiNx/p+ poly-Si Passivating Contacts for High Efficiency Solar Cells | Shona McNab | University of Oxford |
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14:30 | Closing SiliconPV 2023 | | |
14:30 | Closing SiliconPV 2023 | Arthur Weeber | TNO |
14:40 | SiliconPV Award Ceremony for the Best 10 Abstracts and the Best Posters | Arthur Weeber | TNO |
14:50 | Announcement of SiliconPV 2024 | Arthur Weeber | TNO |
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15:30 | Technical tour | | |
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19:00 | Get-together at The Green Village | | |